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Hundreds of lives touched

Here's a few of them sharing their personal experience.

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Is this for you? Find out what people are saying about Arun.

Success Stories

Steve Bailey Profile Picture_edited.jpg

“Prior to Arun’s retreat, I was suffering with some mental health issues including depression and anxiety. I had been to a few therapy sessions but nothing that was able to give me actionable steps into improving my life.


I wasn’t quite sure what to expect before the retreat, and definitely had a lot of apprehensions as to what we would be doing. The thought of opening up to a large group of people was a scary one, and something that I definitely felt nervous about during the weeks leading up to it. It turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life, and I was able to connect with people on such a deep level.


Arun was able to show me how to accept and overcome some of my personal issues, alongside realising why they are there in the first place. I was able to connect with my younger self, of whom I had been neglecting and ignoring to deal with certain emotional pain. He also enabled me to paint a picture of who I should strive to be each day, and gave me the tools on how to get there.


Since the retreat, I have worked hard on self-improvement, pushed myself even further outside my comfort zone, and am now moving towards the things in life that bring me energy and happiness, rather than those that don’t.


Overall, the whole experience was fundamental to my own personal growth, and I felt that Arun struck the perfect balance between going deep and dealing with issues, as well as making things fun and super easy to manage.


If you’re someone who’s dabbling with the idea of improving yourself, and you’re watching YouTube videos, or reading self help books, I would highly recommend signing up to one of Arun’s retreats as they can make a real difference in your life and help you kick start the best version of yourself into action. Oh yeah, and you might make some amazing new friends along the way!”


- Steve Bailey

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Over the last couple of years I have had some family issues. I had all sorts of memories come up from my past that I wasn't able to deal with. I was losing confidence and self esteem and couldn't deal with my feelings, thoughts and emotions.  Going on Beat The Day with Arun has literally turned my life around. I now think about things in a different way and when I feel as though I am getting hijacked by my thoughts etc, I can stop and listen to them without being frightened and deal with them. 


Arun, your ZEST for life inspired me to LIVE my most AUTHENTIC life. You are one in a million Arun!  I LOVED the homework activities, they made me THINK and DIG DEEP! You made me believe in myself...You helped me,and pushed me to fill my tool box with mindful tools I have been searching for, for a very long time. Your energy was moving, even through the laptops camera you touched our hearts... Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!


I lacked clarity about trauma and negative experiences and where to start. What were the feelings behind my experiences that prevented me from having the courage to follow a path that my soul longs for. It seems that a door of possibilities opened and took a weight off my life that held me and made me insecure. I finish the course with a heart full of love and hope. I feel energized and courageous. This course will change your self-perception and bring you clarity about your blocks. Believe! It is a liberating process.


I got closer with myself, accepted the critic within me while being able to act more from the heart. You also gave me soooo much confidence that acting from heart is the right way. This course deepened my journey of connecting with my heart and trusting where it is leading me. I also started treating my triggers as gifts and invitation to go deeper. I feel so much more in power to deal with the negative sides of me as I have the tools & understanding to now do it. I am more honest with myself and am able to deal better with the feelings of guilt and shame.

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